Welcome to the 131st Enlist page

131st Squad Recruiting for LOMAC

STATUS: We are recruiting at this time!

* Requirements *
1. You must agree to the 131st Code of Conduct.
2. You must play expert style.
3. You must add 131st before your callsign.
4. You must not be in another squad for LOMAC
5. You must have a valid ICQ number and email address.

Fill out the form below completely. All of the fields are required information.
If you do not completely fill out the form, your application may not be submitted.
Please do not add 131st before your callsign until you are notified about your
acceptance into the squad. Thanks for your interest and we hope to see you in the sky!

ICQ#, if none put "none":
How did you hear of the 131st:
How much do you play LOMAC:
Do you agree to add 131st to you callsign:
Are you a member of another squad:


131st Screamin Demons 2004