Welcome to 131st Virtual Fighter Wing web
site. We, the 131st, are a Virtual Fighter Wing (VFW). We
fly Lock On Modern Air Combat (LOMAC), however, the 131st
was created on February 09, 1999 and the 131st flew Janes
F-15. We are based on an actual 131st Fighter Wing which
is a part of US Air National Guard stationed in St. Louis
- Missouri. The 131st VFW consists of 110th Fighter Wing
(FW), 231st CES, 571st AFB, and 239th CCS ETC. The 131st
successfully supported the "F-100 Supersabre"
until the year 1978, when the wing converted to the "F-4C
Phantom" and later to the F-4E. In 1991 the wing converted
to the best superiority fighter aircraft in the world today,
"F-15 Eagle".
The 131st are a bunch of guys who want to have fun, train,
and be the best! For any more details or information, contact
any of the 131st VFW members. We all hope to meet you the
virtual skys!
Check six and good luck - 131st VFW Members.
We fly at Hyperlobby which can be found by clicking http://hyperfighter.jinak.cz/
Our Motto:
"Anywhere, Anytime!"
Member of IFVFS |